1994-2008 Our History – Edithvale Bowling Club Inc.
A look at the years 1994-2008 by Lesley Mulder
The first 25 years of the club was very well documented for that celebration the work, time, dedication and devotion given to this club by the members over the first 25 years was outstanding, and I feel the same may be said about the next 15 years, with all that in mind, here is a summary as best I can do for the years 1994 to 2008
In 1994 President Alan Sutherland and Secretary David Graham presented to a Special General Meeting a summary of recommended alterations to the Club Constitution (this had not been amended since 1987), changes were adopted.
To change a Constitution, David once told me ‘it turned his natural red hair grey, and to never do it!
At that same meeting it was decided ’proviso to costs ’C’ Green be fully renovated, new crockery was accepted, Discs on Bowls, coloured Shirts(Royal Blue and White) and Mufti for Social games were all discussed, and left to the new Management Board to further discuss. All sounds very familiar to me!
Also in 1994 first mention was made of a Ride-on- Mower, and at another Special General Meeting voting was held on the complete ban on smoking in the clubhouse, so Edithvale was ahead of the law in their thinking.
Subs were $110.00
1995 Membership was 250 members the ladies outnumbering the men.
Bowls sessions for school children was arranged.
John Burns suggested that the front fence was in poor shape (his words)
Cups of Tea and Coffee were not being paid for!
Whipper Snipper was broken again.
The new Management Board was installed, inaugural Board members were, John Burns Director, Sid Raymer Deputy Director, Lesley Mulder Exec. Off., Alan Bredin Fin. Off., Alan Sutherland Past President, together with Ellen Hamilton, John Bibby, Robert Lockhart, Joe Musco, Robert Campbell, Shirley Rush, and Robert Leitch.
A “Newsletter” was born and died within months.
Plans were afoot for the verandah; George Thorne being the main instigator, with the work done by the men members the verandah was finished in record time (for a Bowls Club). The front fence was tightened, and a retaining wall installed, as by this time the fence was nearly in Edithvale Road not in line at all. Trees were removed and a garden bed arrived.
Shelter shades were suggested, Frank and Isobel Baguley offered to cover the costs and this was duly accepted with a great deal of pleasure and gratitude.
(Frank and Isobel also paid for the replacement of the shades that were wrecked in a storm in 2005.)
A computer was suggested, as it was felt new bowlers coming into the club would be more ‘Computer Literate’, this was not accepted happily by some of the older members, but Rob Leitch managed to get the first computer into the club, up and working.
Guy Hura was set for his first contract with the club having worked here for sometime on a ’gents handshake’
A Liquor License was required, for the first time, in the club.
A Front Gate was redesigned by Jack Edwards and Derek Brooks, as the fence having been straightened, had made the gate in-operable.
Outdoor toilets were on the agenda, cost to be about $1300, finding the sewerage line, making it suitable for disabled persons put the costs to over $13,000, so this project never eventuated, some of our back trees have suffered, and some have sprouted, as our male members have kept them watered.
The Bar set up was first discussed in 1995, ladies will remember doing Bar Duty with the counter facing the men’s toilet door- not a pretty sight! The bar was turned around to face the hall, later as the thirst of members grew, and after a number of false starts the Bar was relocated in 2006.
It is called the Bill Newman Bar, as Bill was the ‘Father’ of this project, John Clark and Bill Morton were his little helpers and they are responsible for the great asset it is today.
Also in 1996 pathways and shades between ‘B’ and ‘C’ green were commenced.
The Classic $2000 Day was born and lasted a further 3 years due to a generous sponsor from outside the Club.
The Trophy cabinet was built by member Greg Brown, who also re-surfaced all the benches in the kitchen.
Newsletter was again suggested, dying again within weeks.
Tea and Coffee were not being paid for!
Membership was 194 members and Fees were $130.00
In 1999 longer tables were bought , resulting from a very generous donation from Jackie Kalmar, the tables have since been resurfaced by the men under the guidance of Bill Newman.
Ladies won the A1 Metropolitan Pennant 98/99 Season
In 2000 All the blinds were replaced and we received a very generous donation, from Millie Yewen.
Requirement for a Ride-on-mower was discussed
Membership was 202.
In December 2000 discussion was held as ‘A ‘Green needed replacing, its thatch was too thick and it was a major renovation. Lesley Mulder Executive Officer went to the Council hoping for some help in the renovation costs, the suggestion was that, we think about a synthetic green and they could help us with that.
It was decided that ‘A’ Green should remain grass and that the heavier ‘B’ Green would benefit from being synthetic.
2002 saw a Special General Meeting approve ‘B ‘Green to synthetic
An application was sent in after extensive research from the Board Executive, in 2003 we were rejected, the Board regrouped and re-submitted an application in December 2003, and we received the grant in June 2004, then shock horror! Council put it out to tender, after the Board were very specific in the nomination of a very reputable contractor, the tender went to the lowest bidder, we do not have the best we are entitled to, but the Board, are still in there battling with Council and Contractor as the replacement is still not up to standard.
Barefoot bowling was created with the instillation of synthetic greens; following this the ‘Get-on-the-Green’ program was installed in 2006, by Terry Cheshire and Matt Clark and has been very successful in creating membership and enthusiastic crowds trying our sport of bowls.
2003 Bill Newman suggested Rainwater tanks, now with a grant secured by the present Board Executive in 2007, we have two tanks installed and up and working.
John Bibby secured Ray White Estate Agents for sponsorship of men’s coloured shirts.
Ladies were not able to wear colors until a few years later, now ladies are in Club colours from head to toe and look great!
2004 ‘A’ Green was completely renovated
Peter Selby donated our large B. B. Q. shade and the men members again to the fore with supplying and fixing all fittings in place
Ladies A1 win Metropolitan Pennant 04/05
2006 Guy Hura resigned as Green keeper, Shane Waddingham replaced him in the position, in 2008 Shane has resigned and a new green keeper is being sought
Tea and Coffee are not being paid for.
‘C’ Green banks are renovated finishing in 2007
Finally a Newsletter has been a success with Jeanette Barrett the great work carried on by Pamela Bryant in 2008 we are still enjoying her comments and jokes.
2007 A new machine shed is required; in 2008 plans are under way. Assist poles are again requested, they were installed in 2008, Mower’s, Whipper Snippers and Groomers are again required.
Computer and Broadband are up and running with the expertise of Terry Cheshire, and the Edithvale website is working well with the web master Pamela Bryant.
In 2008 a lease from Kingston council is being investigated by Ex Off. David Moffatt.
A large Television with connections to the computer system is installed, again with donations from our very generous members.
Membership is at 214 Fees are $175.00
Plans for the future
Clubhouse roof replacement.
Machine Shed replacement
Clubhouse internal updating
‘C’ Green renovation
In researching these facts about our Club several items recur
That the Greens are always the priority and always need renovating.
Membership ebbs and flows
Machinery never lasts.
Bill Newman is a blessing for this Club
Men work damn hard for this Club.
Members over the years are so giving of money and time.
And Tea and Coffee will never balance in the bookwork.
The mystery of the Club in the last 15 yrs was “Who took the Ladies Toilet pictures, and Why????”
Thank you I take no responsibility for errors and omissions in this History for the 40th Anniversary of Edithvale Bowling Club Inc.
Lesley Mulder