Social Bowls Reports

Night Bowls – 2nd July 2024

No RAIN, No WIND, No FOG and No SUN ………. what more could you ask for when playing a game of bowls. Well perhaps it could have been a little warmer. Our brave 14 bowlers rugged up and played under lights and had fun. After playing 12 ends we all came inside for some home made vegie soup and some buttered crusty bread. Many thanks Shellie and Ann for organising supper. Winners tonight were Marika Forras and Shellie Kavanagh and runner- up was Ron Clohesy, Chris Janssen and Adam Gallagher.

WoW Trish, Pat, Rosie 9 May ’24.

Thurs. 2 May ’24

Best 2nd game having lost their first – Trish Eastwood, Pat Gilhooly, Paula Baird, Lucretia Allen.

Winners of Winners – John Bryant, Bob Hasler, John Paul.

Best 1st game – Pamela Bryant, Roger Williams, Anne Kuuse.

Tuesday Pairs – 23 Apr ’24

Hey! put your name down for Tuesday’s! Tuesdays are gaining in popularity, give it a go!

WoW – Heather & Ann +11, WoL – Graeme & David -1.

Winter Tournament Dates

Winter will be choc-a-block with Saturday bowls for all to enjoy.

Tournament 1 dates – 11/5, 18/5, 25/5 and 1/6.

Scroungers – 8/6.

Tournament 2 dates – 15/6, 22/6, 29/6 and 6/7.

Tournament 3 dates- 20/7, 27/7, 3/8 and 10/8.

Cup Day at Edithvale – 7 Nov ’23

Another fabulous Cup Day at the Club courtesy of Heather Redpath, John Lyons, Andrew Tyrrell, Bob Davies, John Bryant, Pamela Bryant and the myriad of members who contributed to our buffet table for lunch and afternoon tea. Andrew donated champagne & orange juice which greeted us on arrival.

Then it was on to the synthetic for the Spider (!) won by Jan Collins and the Ditch to Ditch won by Barb Cheshire. The first Resting Toucher was not won until well into the second game. Well done Jennifer Ellis!

Winners of the day were Peter Woodbridge, Barbara Etheridge, Robert Leitch. Runners up were Jennifer & Kingsley Ellis, Marie Seddon. (Nice to see you back Marie!) A huge thank you to Bob Davies for his expertise, work and general running of a very different day. You did a wonderful job….always with a smile.

The Best (silliest) Hat was judged by a neutral visitor Annie Dodge, her selection: Best men’s Kingsley Ellis, best women’s Barbara Etheridge.  

With the games, prizes and awards done it was on to the Race of the Day …. Yeh the big one! Those who managed to draw Winners, Seconds, Thirds and Last placegetters in the sweeps were paid out. Barb’s daughter Tracey, Robert & Marika’s grandchildren did very well.

As we left the thunder & lightening started and we were all a bit tired…… but a good time was had by all.

A really great day! Thanks to all that made it so.  

VIBBA President Len O’Brien (Narre Warren, 2nd from right) , Secretary Peter Campion (Cranbourne RSL at Silks, 1st right) and their merry band of bowlers blessed us with their presence and the gift of great weather for a friendly game of bowls and afternoon tea.

VIBBA visits stopped over the Covid years and every effort is being made to get them all back out there. Winner of the State Blind Bowlers event held this year at the  Golden Square B. C. saw Alan Wakefield (White Hills, 3rd from right) narrowly def our Jeanette Barrett (4th from right). Jeanette was one of the three females of 18 entries. The others were Margaret who attended today’s event and Naomi, pictured 2nd left.  Alan is a month younger and jokingly, they laughed that age was probably the culprit there. (Youth or more experience?)

The event was organised by Claire Baskett and Claire was very grateful for all the support she received from members and players in setting up inside and out, baking, bar, cards, raffles, guiding players and their supporters and the big clean up.  Thank you, you know who you are.

President Len O’Brien thanked Edithvale for their hospitality and generous donations, while insisting on personal credit for the weather. Raffle Prizes were donated by VIBBA.

A fan of the cards, winners and runners up, left no one in doubt that indeed all were “Winners” this day. Their next sojourn is in November to Noble Park.

Well done VIBBA & Edi. 

The following report and photos appear on the ABBA (Australian Blind Bowlers Assoc.) site courtesy of Tony Scott and Naomi McColl.

On Sunday, Edithvale Bowling Club Inc. hosted the Victorian Blind Bowling Association’s Try Bowling day.

All bowlers bowled with a sense of fun and competitive spirit, with all games being very close.

We would like to thank Edithvale bowling club members for their hospitality, participation, and providing fantastic weather for all those resting touchers. We were also very overwhelmed with Edithvale member’s generosity in the raffle and the individual donation.

A fabulous day of sunshine, humour and friendship was the best way to describe the combined Chelsea Lifestyle/Edithvale Bowls day, held today.

With 5 late pull outs Match of the Day Rae and Roger had their work cut out for them but overcome those worrying hiccups with aplomb and I believe they are still talking to one another.

Roger Emcee’ d the day, and did the setup, and pack up (Brendan assisting). Cheryl donated some very generous prizes for the half time raffle while Rae managed the takings, prize money and kitchen, a wonderful effort by all.

Can you believe Rosemary’s raffle ticket no’s came out 4 times……. She kept the first one but asked for a re-draw on the other 3. A wonderful gesture.

Winners of the first game were: Roger, Cheryl and Brendan pictured with organiser Rae below.

Winners of the second game were: Barbara, John and Suzanne, who actually had 2 good wins, just pipped in the first by Brendan’s team.

Lifestyle & Edithvale competitors.

Tuesday Bowls – 15th Aug ’23

Just had to share this “Blue Sky Day” we enjoyed on Tuesday. Winners Anne Kuuse & David Mawhinney (S) +6 over 20 ends. The other 2 pairs rinks tied at +3 each. Wonderful tight and competitive bowling from all! Great practice too! Others came down for a practice in the sunshine. Thanks Trish Eastwood for the photo and Barb Sharp for her fabulous organisation of what was a memorable day.

Tuesday Bowls It is great to see players enjoying the fresh air at the club on Tuesdays. We start at 11 am and play 2 games. Cost $10. Please put your name down at the club if you wish to play.

Scroungers – Saturday 15th Jul ’23

A great day of Scroungers with 6 rinks of 4 hopefuls all doing their individual best.

Our thanks go to B. C. President Anne and Committee member Rae for their efforts in making this day so enjoyable and successful. Thanks Roger for putting out the flags etc and thanks Rae for making an early morning dash to the Patterson Lakes, Bakers Delight for some very delicious walnut bun. With the scoring 4 points for closest to the jack, 3 for second closest and 1 for 3rd over 18 ends the winners were:

CLICK HERE for the final scoreboard.

Left to right; Tracie (43), Graeme (44), Craig (48) & Pamela (54).

Scroungers was a great day for our members, who filled the Baguley green with 4 players on all 8 rinks. Our thanks go to B. C. President Anne and Committee member Rae for all their efforts in making this new initiative work so well. Thanks Roger & Brendan for setting up and thanks to Kingsley & the many members who helped in the pack up/clean up. Thanks Anne-Marie Hughes (Moorabbin) for staying on as emergency and helping throughout the day.

It was eerily quite on the green as members had to concentrate their efforts, no time/place for chatting here, as each was determined to do their individual best.

With the scoring 4 points for closest to the jack, 3 for second closest and 1 for 3rd over 18 ends the winners were:

Left to right. 4th John Bryant 52 points, 3rd Jan Collins 52.5 points, 2nd Marika Forras 54 points and 1st Brendan Doyle 57.5 points.

A show of hands has ensured that this special event will be repeated so keep an eye out for the next one on the 15th July.

If you want to see how you rated CLICK HERE.