Bowling Committee

Men’s President: Chair  Robert Leitch

Women’s President: Dep. Chair TBA 

Secretary: Brendan Doyle

Bowling Committee: John Bryant, John Lyons, Andrew Tyrrell

Match Committee. (All Social Games, Special Days, Twilight and Club Championships.) 

Coordinator: Bob Davies.

Committee: Don Chambers, Jan Collins, Garry Dodge, Bob Hasler, Robert Rook,  Frank Ryan, Barb Sharp, Ray Weston.

Tournament Director: TBA

National Accredited Coaches.

Coordinator: Ray Weston. 

Coaches: Claire Baskett, John Bryant,  Kingsley Ellis, John Paul, Ray Weston.

Weekend Selection: Chair: Kingsley Ellis

Committee: Garry Byers, Sallyann King, Heather Redpath, Andrew Tyrrell.

Late Withdrawal. Kingsley Ellis

Midweek Selection: Chair: Brendan Doyle

Committee: Alan Cousens, Don Chambers, Vonnie Ryan, Roger Selwood.

Late Withdrawal. Brendan Doyle: 0419 890 164

Tuesday Night Selection Committee: Shellie Kavanagh 0422 952 917 and Ray Weston 0417 386 635.